Kita Cukup Manis Tak?

with M3 Marsiling-Yew Tee

M3 @ Marsiling-Yew Tee and MHPA collaborated to bring Marsiling residents a fun, engaging and interactive morning to invest in their health and their loved ones. The morning started with an invigorating group fitness session by Health Promotion Board. Attendees then cooled down and participated in an interactive Malay-language seminar on diabetes. They also received diabetes screening with on-site blood glucose checks. Our MHPA panelists provided an engaging discussion on identifying and reducing diabetes risk. Our guest panelists, Mdm Norizan and Mr Hassan shared hard-earned lessons and advice. Ustazah Kalthom Isa, our guest asatizah, provided beautiful pearls of wisdom on health and self care. The event ended with a lively gameshow-style quiz to help reinforce the key messages of the day.

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